Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not covered here, get in touch for more information.

What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

Naturopaths are medically-trained, naturally-focused doctors in Ontario who provide patients with solutions in conjunction with, or alternative to the conventional pharmaceutical approach. We use thorough clinical intakes, physical examinations and diagnostic testing to find out the root cause of your health concerns. Naturopathic doctors attend 8 years of post-secondary education and are required to write rigorous examinations in order to be able to practice in Ontario

Who can see a Naturopathic Doctor?

Anyone! Whether you would like additional help managing a chronic disease or symptom, or would like to learn how to optimize your health, naturopaths can work with you at any level to improve your overall health. Naturopathic doctors can be an integral part of your health care team.

If I work with a Naturopath, would I need to stop seeing my family doctor?

Naturopathic doctors encourage open communication with all other healthcare professionals, including your MD. We know that there are situations that are appropriate to use naturopathic medicine, and others when conventional medical approaches are necessary. We are trained to refer when necessary.

How long does it take to see results?

This depends on your situation and the level of illness. Severe chronic illness may require a complete overhaul to see improvements in your health. I work with each patient at their level so changes may take time to implement, but people see improvements along the way. Less serious conditions may require some simple basic changes and may only take a couple of visits to clear up. My approach is to work with each patient at their own, individual realistic pace in order to achieve sustained results.

What is the difference between a Homeopath and a Naturopath?

A homeopath is a practitioner that solely uses homeopathy as their main modality of treatment and does not hold the title “Dr” in the province of Ontario. Naturopaths are trained to use homeopathy as a tool for treatment, but the use in practice depends on the naturopathic doctor. Naturopaths in Ontario are recognized as primary-care providers and hold the “Dr” title. The level of education homeopaths have depends on where they have trained - in some countries, homeopaths are medical doctors, and in others, the level of education may not be as medically rigourous.

Schedule a Visit with Me

If you’re interested in optimizing your health and working with me, let’s book an appointment.