Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Natural hormones to improve your overall health
Bioidentical hormone therapy is the practice of using structurally-identical hormones to correct and help conditions associated with hormone deficiencies. These hormones are considered safe, effective and well-tolerated.
Bio-identical hormones are a great option to treat symptoms associated with many hormone and female-oriented conditions such as:
Low thyroid – hypothyroidism
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome
Breast tenderness
Uterine Fibroids
Autoimmune disorders
For women at menopausal age, bioidentical hormone treatment is a great option mitigate symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep problems and weight gain, and also reduce health risks associated with menopause such as osteoporosis
What to Expect
Prior to initiating treatment, it is essential to have blood (serum) or urine hormone levels checked, as well as a pelvic ultrasound (within 3 months) and updated mammogram (within the year) in order to rule out any contraindications to using bioidentical hormone therapy. Once treatment is initiated, regular hormone testing is required to ensure that the dosage is correct for your case.

Naturopathic doctors must go through a rigorous pharmaceutical and prescribing course and examination in order to prescribe bioidentical hormones in Ontario.
Schedule a Visit with Me
If you’re interested in optimizing your health and working with me, let’s book an appointment.